Written by Gavin Morrice on Feb 27th, 2013
We’ve just released the next version of blogit, our largest and most popular open source project.
What’s New?
The main feature added in this version is the option to submit (ping) your sitemap to search engines automatically, whenever a blog post is created, updated or destroyed. Notifying search engines of changes to your sitemap is a great way to ensure your new content is indexed as soon as possible, helping you become more visible in search results sooner.
By default, search engine pinging is switched off - we felt it was important that nobody was pinging search engines without knowing about it. To activate this feature, add the following line to your blogit.rb configuration file:
config.ping_search_engines = true
This assumes of course that you’re using the built in actions for CREATE, UPDATE and DESTROY that come with blogit. If not, you’ll have to set this up yourself by following the instructions in the Pingr README.
If you’d like to add sitemap submission to your own site, without blogit, we’ve bundled this feature into a separate gem named Pingr.
Also in this version:
- A mass-assignment bug fix when assigning bloggers to posts
- An improvement in blogit route naming by kassi
- RSS feed language is now set automatically from the I18n locale