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Simple, Clean Persistence in Rubymotion with motion-persistable

Gavin Morrice

Written by Gavin Morrice on Jun 11th, 2014

While working on a current iOS app I was using the very useful BubbleWrap gem for persisting values within a few classes. While BubbleWrap is great, but I found that having to call App::Persistence[] throughout my app wasn’t ideal.

For one, using strings as the persistence keys is not DRY - you change the key in one place, you have to change it all over. motion-persistable is a simple gem that provides a wrapper around BubbleWrap’s persistence (which uses NSUserDefaults under the hood) to add attribute accessor macros for persistable attributes. 

Using it is as simple as:

class User include Motion::Persistable

  attr_accessor :name

  # This is the motion-persistable part

  attr_persisted :email


@user ="bodacious") = "[email protected]"

# ... later

@user ="bodacious") # => "[email protected]"

For class methods: 

class User

  class << self

    include Motion::Persistable

    attr_persisted :use_count, 0

    attr_persisted :email, "[default]" do |value|

      # This block is executed when a new value is set
      mixpanel.people.set(email: value)



end = "bodacious" # => "bodacious"

The gem is available on Github

Gavin Morrice

This post was written by me, Gavin Morrice

I’m a web developer here at Katana Code, where we've helped dozens of startups, charities, and SMEs launch effective and elegant websites to market.

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